Thursday, April 8, 2010

What color are you?

I love my girlfriend Ashley's blog. She always seems to weed through the ideas and post about the best of the best. Research is her gift! You can check her out here:

Anyway, recently she posted a cute little quiz that determines what "color" you are and what your color means about you. I took the quiz. At 11p.m. Can't sleep.

I'm a purple and I'd say I'm pretty happy with the results!
Purple people:

Spontaneity is the key to your existence. Quick-witted with a flair for originality, you enjoy situations that allow you to explore your creativity. Comparatively conservative, you appreciate beautiful surroundings, especially if they’re found in nature. Your relaxed and self-assured personality allows you to work well with others. Surprisingly enough, your unique and unusual tastes don’t prevent you from being comfortable among your more conservative peers.

Ashley is definitely a Red.
What are you?!


  1. I'm a yellow!
    You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles.

  2. Jessica,

    Thanks for the blog shout out. I just told Ryan you made my day! :-) That description of purple is dead on for you. i love it. hope you have a great time with your mom and can get your battery recharged!
    love you girl.
