Sunday, March 21, 2010

Subtle reminders of Spring

So, warmer weather struck Iowa on Thursday-62 degrees! Friday morning we woke up to 2 inches of snow. Thankfully, it only stuck around but a few hours and we were basking in the glow of Spring skies and soggy yellow yards once again! In fact, the only thing snow white around here anymore are my pasty legs that haven't seen the light of day in 6 months. Looking forward to breaking out the spring wardrobe any day now!

With sweet Spring in the air, I've been inspired to add a few Eastery/Springy things around the house for fun!

I found this white rod-iron tree at Goodwill. It originally was a tacky gold color and held little votive candles. What 15 minutes and a can of Heirloom White spray paint from Hobby Lobby can do!

I had extra eggs laying around, so I gathered some sticks from our back yard (And their is plenty more where they came from!), planted them in a vase and let Blair decorate our very own outdoor Easter tree.

It's hard to see, but I love this little nest displayed in the mini cake plate I splurged on from Hobby Lobby yesterday ($15!). The little robins eggs are actually chocolate malt eggs. Who doesn't love edible home decor?!

Blair is very much into doing crafts these days (a girl after her mom's own heart) and we found this paper plate flower idea from one of her "High Five" Highlights magazines. It's hard to see, but we taped different strips of scrapbook paper to a paperplate that we cut into a flower shape and hung with twine! It was an easy craft that held her attention well!

I hope everyone enjoys their beautiful, blue-sky Sunday today! Even the skittery ground squirrels that run in and out of the nest they've made in my front step remind me of God's beautiful creation and his faithfulness in bringing about new life each March.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cutesy Clipboard!

Okay, so there has been a craze of "dollar store crafts" in blog-world these days, and I've jumped on the bandwagon. Well, sorta. I really just had this idea in my head and found a clipboard at The Dollar Tree last week! I needed a new clipboard to keep me organized while coordinating weddings at my church. I thought it would be kinda fun to decoupage some lovely little decals on it-to use while working with the young mushy love birds on their wedding day! To help me...get in the mood, so to speak. :)

Mod Podge...a girls best friend. Also, what I call my post-pregnancy belly.

Finished product. It's still drying, that's why it's so glossy.

Decorative back

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

I wanted to hurry through this little project because it's already 11:15pm and I suspecting another "bad" night with London and Blair's room-sharing endeavor. (London's already woken up 3 times since we put her to bed at 8pm. I pray that I'm able to "Delight myself in the Lord..." even in the wee hours of the morning while trying to rock her back to sleep.) But this project could really lend itself to some creative genius...think, ribbon, calligraphy, buttons!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh's those pictures of Blair and London's bedroom

Looking from the door view

My first attempt at sewing curtains didn't turn out too bad. Never mind the safety pins behind the frilly pink bunches holding them together...

Butterfly collage I made by punching out pretty designs in magazine pages with my butterfly hole punch.

Another view!

Ahhh...more Pink...More PINK!

Pretzel Tub Drum

Yes, this pretzel tub was filled with pretzels at one time...I ate my way through the entire tub in 4 months.

Nonetheless, it's empty and begging to be repurposed! I came up with the idea of turning this pretzel container into a drum after watching one too many episodes of Blair's favorite cartoon show, "Caillou".

I used left over felt to wrap the container and make a carrying strap. I find that felt is the easiest "fabric" to work with for kids projects or costumes because it doesn't require sewing, comes in every solid color of the rainbow and is cheap!

I'm always looking for little craft projects to do with Blair and this one was a success. Even though we didn't get around to it initially, I had her pick out different colors of buttons and embellishments to glue onto her drum. She also got to pick out the different colors of felt. When we were finished, we paraded around the house--Blair on drums, London carrying a mini piano that belted out it's demo music, and me humming into a paper towel roll. Our very own marching band welcomed daddy when he came in the door from work!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Refashion a chipped mirror

Okay, so I started and finished a project in 1 hour. Victory! I picked up this chipped mirror at Goodwill a few years ago and had this idea in mind...3 years later, I've finally finished it.

See the chipped top left corner?

This fake flowered girly mirror is now hanging about one foot off the ground so Blair can check out how she looks in her dress up clothes. I hope I'm not creating a monster!

There isn't any special tricks in creating it, but here are a few tips:
1. Buy your flowers at the dollar store. I got 7 bunches of various pink roses for $1 a bunch.
2. Add some variation in size and shade of color. I tend to like going monochromatic when creating with fake flowers. I think an array of rainbow colors might be a little much for the eye!
3. After popping the heads off each stem, snip the ends of the stem off of each flower so that it's nearly flush with the petals. You'll find that you'll need to add a dab of hot glue on the end of what's left of the stem so that you can avoid this. (see photo)
4. Same some smaller flowers for the end. You can fill exposed gaps in between the larger flowers.

You can see my progress with the following pictures. I will also post some pictures of Blair and London's bedroom. We just moved London into Blair's room yesterday to make room for Uncle Paul (he's moving in with us in 3 weeks). It's turned out pretty cute. Much of my crafting energy was put into this room. Somehow setting up a pretty little girl's room was a top priority when we moved into our house-- Tim says there is no way our girls will be tomboys sleeping and playing in a room like theirs....What can I say? I love pink!


Dollar Store Roses

Secure stem base so flower doesn't fall apart!

Rows of Roses!

Finished Project!

New focus?

It's been a long time since I last posted! In fact a few weeks ago, I pondered abandoning this blog thing all together. That would be just like me. I tend to love the hunt of a new hobby, enthuastically jump in head first and then burn out after a month or so. It's one reason i have a "craft room" full of unfinished projects. I was talking with one of my girlfriends about how she seems to have time to pursue all her interests and stay motivated to continue them. In complaining to her about my lack of follow-through on just about everything, she asked me a thought-provoking question..."What motivates me?" In general, I would say I'm not a "goal-orientated" person. I just don't really giggle under the satisfaction of reaching a self set goal. I was kind of discouraged realizing this-- being that "setting and reaching goals" seems to be the #1 reason for success among highly published self-help authors! I also don't seem to thrive under pressure--not that I don't feel comfortable under just doesn't toot my horn to imagine that I'm gonna get axed to death if I don't complete "this one task"--plus, what pressure do I really have as a stay-at-home mom with a loving, laid back, completely accomodating husband. In thinking through the question, I think I determined that I'm a "deadline" person that thrives under accountability--meaning, if I set an end date for my task to be completed, preferably short-term, I'm much more motivated to stick with my project and even complete it, especially when someone is counting on me to see it through! This has definately proven true in my fitness regime, among other things. I have found that if I sign up for a road race a few months away and ask a friend to train with me, I force myself into continuing a running regime up until that race. Usually the week after the race, I won't make it in the gym once, being that there is no race looming in the near future.

So, why do I waste 30 minutes of time explaining all this in a blog I haven't touched in 4 months?? Because in an effort to be more productive and faithful in my follow through, I'm going to be changing the focus of this blog a little to more of a track sheet of completed crafty and home projects with lots of before and after pictures that'll hopefully inspire you, my accountability readers! I do still hope to post about funny one-lines of my girls, updates on our family and little "favorite things" or ideas I've found or discovered here and there. So, hopefully, it'll be worth your time reading--if not, hopefully I'll get something completed for once! Either way, I'm going to try and live by with one main rule of thumb....I can't post about a project until I've completed it and I'm going to try and post once a week. There--I have a deadline and some accountability. Ready...Set...Go!

Changing subjects are the latest two one-liners from my 3 year old:

1. Tim has made Blair grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast (yes...for breakfast)and after finishing his, he takes a bite of Blairs.

Blair: "No Daddy, you can't eat mine. These are not "boy cheese", these are "girl cheese" sandwiches.

2. Blair saw a commercial for Chuck-E-Cheese's, a local kids restuarant. After being mezmorised by the commercial of kids playing and laughing, she quickly turned around and said, "Dad, I wanna go to Chick-en Jesus" too!"

Until my next completed project,