Friday, January 16, 2009

"Hola Mommy"

Blair amazes me everyday. I guess I still consider her my little baby and not the curious, precocious and showy toddler she's proving to be! Her favorite movie, Shrek, is getting a run for it's money these days as her newest movie obsession is Madeline (not the cartoon version). So the other day, she runs into the kitchen while I'm preparing dinner and says, "Hola Mommy...hey mommy, Hola!" Apparently the Spanish ambassador on Madeline says this in one short second on the movie and Blair picked it up and wanted to impress me! Watch Out Dora! There's a new senorita in town!

In another sense, Blair is becoming quite the little helper. It's becoming a regular occurrence for me to say, "Blair, where is mommy's cell you know?" She says, "Right Dhere..." and most always runs right to it. Today she found it under her bed. It musta fell down while I was changing her diaper! How she sees these things, I'll never know. I almost asked Tim for one of those beepers for lost car keys this Christmas, but with how handy Blair is becoming, it looks like I might not need one after all.

London, on the other hand, has a nasty cold and hasn't slept more than 20 minutes in a row for the last 4 days...its getting tiresome, but probably more for her. I can't wait until this winter season is over (Windchill in Ames was -35 yesterday!) and we're able to get outside and burn off some stink! I am in desperate need of some motivation to get back in shape so I asked a girlfriend of mine if she would be interested in running the Orlando Marathon with me next Jan. (2010). She's considering it and will let me know soon, but I'm pretty sure I'll sign myself up for some race even if she declines. The great thing about training for a long race, like a 1/2 marathon or full, is that no matter how hard you try not to diet or get back in shape, it's somewhat inevitable. That's what I need, the miles to do the work for me! I'm awful at passing on dessert or keeping a food diary, so exercise is the only way I'm able to recover from the extra baby poundage. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

I'm posting an adorable old video of Blair. I think she might be 18 months or so in it, but I could never find the venue to show it off, so this blog is perfect. She's shaking her tail-feather to Elmo on YouTube.

Also are a few new pictures of the girls!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A few new pictures of London

London is now almost 9 weeks old and I think it's safe to say she's a low-key baby. While I think the first 6 weeks were comparably harder than the first 6 weeks with Blair, I'm not sure I can chalk it up to differences in babies...more like a difference in the number of babies. Having two kids under the age of 2 has tested my patience, sanity, cheerfulness, energy...even thankfulness, but it's getting better every day! London is quite content to sit in her bouncy chair while Blair and I interact, sometimes for even 30 or 40 minutes at a time. She's sleeping well at night. Most nights will include a good 5 hour chunk without waking and she's even made it from 10pm to 7am without eating once before!

Blair likes being a big sister and gets a huge kick out of London smiling at her. She asks to hold her about once every other day and soon I think she'll be ready to give her a bottle, with mommy standing nearby.

Here are a few new pictures of London.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

While at Faithwalkers, a christian conference I attended over Christmas break, a video clip of Penn Jillette was shown. Penn is a devout atheist/magician, famous for both. The clip has been rolling around in my head ever since. As a sometimes scared, sometimes lazy, and sometimes respectful christian, I've adopted a low-key stance of lifestyle evangelism instead of more active proselytizing. I guess the theory would be that people will respect what they see one live instead of what one says.
But Penn has a different stance on it. Is it possible that what I intended as respect for another's personal space can be correctly construed as hatred for them by inaction?

Watch this short clip.
I'm one of those people who seem to be plagued by nightmares for no apparant reason. When I was pregnant, they were weekly. Sometimes even waking up sweating or screaming. So I decided that I probably should start having a quiet time in the Word before I go to bed to still my mind. I tried that last night and I'm proud report I was nightmare-less!

However, I did have a dream that I was raising a squirrel-child. It was born a squirrel and then as it got older it turned into a child with rodent-like features (i.e. small, pointy nose, big nut-shaped eyes and hairy).

I know where I got the squirrel thing--Tim called me yesterday and told me about one of the clients he was insuring had a squirrel stuck in their wall and wondered if they had coverage for it. LoL!

Anyway, I'll happily adopt a squirrel-child in my dreams over waking up in a panic anyday.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Okay, so periodically I run across a hilarious video. Often they include the SNL actress, Kristin Wiig. Here's the one I'm currently stuck on, sent to me by my sister-in-law, Neva. If you've ever been forced to snore through the Lawrence Welk show at your grandmother's, you'll find this video eerily entertaining.

Go here:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

In case anyone wanted to see some pictures from London's birth, I've posted them below!

London in her candy cane pants. 5 weeks.

Most recent picture of Blair. 22 months old.
And so the story begins...Unfortunately not at the beginning, but 3 years and 2 kids into wedded bliss with my hero and husband, Tim! Life around our house is never dull! Tim is an insurance agent and I'm a stay-at-home momma. We both "clean up" after accidents, if you will. Blair, our oldest, will officially turn 2 in one month and has more spunk and energy than Tim and I combined. London, our 8 week old, is pretty content to sit and watch the world go by. We're anticipating she and Blair will be best friends in a year or two! Feel free to stop in and catch up as I post pictures and thoughts as time goes by.