Friday, April 16, 2010

Your message defines you!

A blog I really enjoy reading is Sally Clarkson's "I Take Joy" found at:

Today she blogged about the messages we hear in our heads and how our life will reflect the messages we're listening to. An amazing truth!

The last few days I've felt so frustrated inside-upset with my own inadequacies, the business of my schedule, the toil of mothering, and how nothing ever seems to just "be easy." I find my instinctual reaction to my frustrations is blame-usually directed at God or my husband- for my frustrations. "God, You just HAD to make that dish fall to the floor and shatter glass everywhere, didn't ya?!"

Sally explains that living your life in bitterness and anger may mean you're listening to voices that life is unfair and that God has not heard your prayers; that God doesn't really love me and is really not a good God or he wouldn't have let this happen to me. While Sally seemed to be referring to a general life approach, I think her wisdom applies to our daily thoughts and reactions to our circumstances as well.

In looking at my reactions when something goes wrong in my day, I really do think it boils down to my perception of God and the message I hear in my head. Is this true for you as well? Psalm 85:8 "I will listen to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people." This is just the type of scripture that helps us discern God's voice from others in our lives. I must remember that any message that isn't peaceful but filled with blame or anger, or doesn't yield a peaceful response in my heart is not from the Lord!

Sally says that if you are living in hope and peace of mind, the message in your heart that you're believing is "All things work together for good of those who are called in Christ Jesus" and "I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I committed to Him." She concludes that we are what we believe--and our actions tell the world what we believe.

Lord, Help me to hear your voice in those moments where life isn't easy. Help me to live my life daily with a message that gives life, not steals it from myself or others! And let my reactions to my circumstances be those that glorify you; truthful, patient and peacegiving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jessica, I empathize with you immensely! Even this week, I felt so frustrated and irritable that I wanted to kick a hole in the wall...that or cry for a few hours...I often listen to those negative voices and am constantly biting my tongue to keep them from coming out of my mouth. Thanks for the great, wise words to keep on my heart daily.

    Gerard and I often listen to messages by Ravi Zacarias and one of those in his ministry did a message on Winsome Humility. Definition? "Holding your power for the good of others." For me, this means: "Holding my tongue for the good of others!"
    In the fight right alongside ya!
