Sunday, March 21, 2010

Subtle reminders of Spring

So, warmer weather struck Iowa on Thursday-62 degrees! Friday morning we woke up to 2 inches of snow. Thankfully, it only stuck around but a few hours and we were basking in the glow of Spring skies and soggy yellow yards once again! In fact, the only thing snow white around here anymore are my pasty legs that haven't seen the light of day in 6 months. Looking forward to breaking out the spring wardrobe any day now!

With sweet Spring in the air, I've been inspired to add a few Eastery/Springy things around the house for fun!

I found this white rod-iron tree at Goodwill. It originally was a tacky gold color and held little votive candles. What 15 minutes and a can of Heirloom White spray paint from Hobby Lobby can do!

I had extra eggs laying around, so I gathered some sticks from our back yard (And their is plenty more where they came from!), planted them in a vase and let Blair decorate our very own outdoor Easter tree.

It's hard to see, but I love this little nest displayed in the mini cake plate I splurged on from Hobby Lobby yesterday ($15!). The little robins eggs are actually chocolate malt eggs. Who doesn't love edible home decor?!

Blair is very much into doing crafts these days (a girl after her mom's own heart) and we found this paper plate flower idea from one of her "High Five" Highlights magazines. It's hard to see, but we taped different strips of scrapbook paper to a paperplate that we cut into a flower shape and hung with twine! It was an easy craft that held her attention well!

I hope everyone enjoys their beautiful, blue-sky Sunday today! Even the skittery ground squirrels that run in and out of the nest they've made in my front step remind me of God's beautiful creation and his faithfulness in bringing about new life each March.



  1. Love the ideas Jess! Will we see you in Des Moines any time soon?

  2. love that you've incorporated Blair into being a craft girlie too. what a fun bonding thing you guys will have during those times!

  3. Carrie,
    Not sure! I won't be at GCLI this weekend...Tim will be though. Hopefully we can meet up this summer for dinner again! That was so fun!
