Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A little pizzaz with scrapbook paper!

This has been a little project I've had my mind on for a couple of weeks. I just lOOOve wreaths and I think there is no good reason they should be reserved for Christmas time. I found this little summery looking wreath at Goodwill a few weeks ago and spruced it up with a wooden "H" from Hobby Lobby. I decoupaged this cute scrapbook paper on it and tied it to the wreath with twine.

I also used this same print on scrapbook paper to make little sleeves for the white candle sticks/tubes on my chandelier in the dining room. Those little white candle sticks were so bland and dingy looking, but now they totally coordinate with my wreath! Now all this chandelier needs is some light eggshell blue mini shades! Anyone know where I can find them cheap??

And finally, this little helper was watching me hang my wreath!


  1. i just made a "t" wreath for our front door! i wrapped the T with twine, but i think yours is cuter than mine:) yours is so fresh and springy!!!

  2. love the wreath, it looks great! i love anything monogrammed.

  3. Thanks Monica! I haven't seen your T wreath! I wanna though! Love twine!

  4. Uhh, Can you come to my house Jessica? I would love some pointers and fresh ideas...Who knows? For your expertise, I could throw in a photo shoot for the family! ;)
