Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blair's 2 year Birthday! And more!

Hi everyone.
It's been awhile since I found a little extra time to playfully narrate life in the Hibbing homestead. We've had a whirlwind of a February! So far February has teased us with some beautiful 50 and 60 degree days and I've taken advantage of them with a few runs outside and even some playtime outside with Blair. It'd been a solid couple of months since we'd seen the grass here in Ames, but I'm thankful to say there is hardly a pile of white left lying around. Ahhhh....Spring truly must be around the corner. Praise God for His faithfulness to bring around each season in it's due time.

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Blair's 2 year birthday. You'd think Blair would be like most 2 year old girls and want a Elmo or Princess-themed birthday party, but when I asked Blair what she wanted, she told me "A Shrek Cake". So Shrek-themed it was. I have to admit, throwing parties is one of my favorite things to do, especially decorating for them. So, even though I had Shrek to work with, I prettied up the party by color-coordinating my napkins, plates and table cloth in light pink and moss-green polka dots and stripes. Shrek made an appearance on the cake only. :) Blair had 3 of her closest friends over, including a little boy named Jacob who was Blair's one and only friend at her party last year. Blair began by opening presents surrounded by a relatively large number of family members and parents. I suppose it coulda been a little overwhelming for a tiny 2 year old to be the center of attention amidst a lot of excitement and noise, but Blair handled it like a champ (Have I mentioned how much she likes being the center of attention?!) After presents, she and her three friends donned oversized tshirts and took to fingerpainting on large pieces of foamboard. I heard a few parents say I was a brave woman for attempting the fingerpainting fiasco, but what's a party without a mess, right?! That lasted all of 15 minutes but was quite fun watching the little ones splatter and squish the paint over every inch of their board. At one point, Blair lost her balance and rolled, however gracefully, onto her entire work of wet art. That was about the time we decided to wash up and have the kids name their paintings. Blair named her's "Kmart". Not exactly sure where she got that one as Kmart isn't a place we shop, but in some strange way the disarray of sloppy red and green reminded me of the after-Christmas clearance shelves at that dreaded store. Anyway, we moved onto cake and ice cream and watched two homemade movies Tim and Grace created encompassing a few great moments from Blair's second year of life. I was glad to see Blair's hip-jiving "Single Ladies" dance made an appearance. She would have made Beyonce so proud! Thankfully the day was completed without a single shed tear. This ultra-amazed me considering we were going napless. While I wish I had a bunch of pictures to post, I was too busy manning the celebration to snap any. I know my mom took a few, but she's still using the ancient click-and-develop camera, so those wont be posted. That said, if you happen to read this post and took any pictures while at the party, please send them to me! I'd love to include a few!

Two days after the party, Blair was hit hard with the flu. A bad bug's going around Ames, taking kids out for 3 and 4 days at a time. She, being ever-so-obedient, shared her flu with mommy and then mommy shared with daddy. A week and half later, we all have our appetite's back and a ready to move onto the next virus to come our way!

Amidst that week, however, little London had her first ever photo shoot with our extremely talented neighbor Dan McClanahan ( What was supposed to be 1 hour turned into 2 1/2 of making googly-eyes and gurgling sounds at London. She was a good sport and donned a smile for us pretty willingly! Blair even got to put on her Christmas dress and have her photo taken as well! You can view Dan's photos by going to this link ( and typing in the password: bridges

We were so excited to see the results and are especially thankful to have such a talented photographer live next door! Woot-woot Dan! One of the pictures of London even made it on the wall of Cafe Diem (a local coffee shop in Ames, showcasing Dan's work)! Go check it out! (London's available for autographs, but please schedule appointments with her agent-mom)

Well that's it for now. Happy February everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to mention to you that you guys are welcome to stay with us for the couple's conference at Walnut Creek March 27-28:) (I wouldn't mind trying my hand at photographing you babies either!) Let us know.
